How to Cook Tasty Bubur Nasi Ayam

Bubur Nasi Ayam.

Bubur Nasi Ayam You can cook Bubur Nasi Ayam using 14 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Bubur Nasi Ayam

  1. Prepare of 🎈1 cawan beras.
  2. It's of 🎈5 cawan air.
  3. You need of 🎈1 keping dada ayam.
  4. You need of 🎈1 batang carrot.
  5. Prepare of 🎈1 mangkuk santan.
  6. It's of 🎈2 sudu kecil lada sulah.
  7. You need of 🎈1 sm halia.
  8. You need of 🎈1 sudu mkn garam.
  9. You need of πŸŽ€perhiasan.
  10. Prepare 2 of biji telur masin.
  11. You need 100 gram of kacang tanah.
  12. Prepare 100 of grm ikn bilis.
  13. It's 1 of btg daun sup.
  14. Prepare 1 of btg daun bawang.

Bubur Nasi Ayam instructions

  1. Basuh beras bersih2 masuk dlm periuk masuk air n santan halia hiris carrot ayam yg d potong dadu..
  2. Masak api kecil hingga beras hancur jd bubur masuk garam perasa lada putih..
  3. Telur masin d rebus..bilis d goreng juga kcg tanah.Daun bawang n daun sup d hiris..
  4. Setelah bubur siap masak tabur bhn perhiasan.Ok Siap.


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